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Active Voice And Passive Voice Rules | Active And Passive Voice in Bengali

Voice এর সংজ্ঞা: Voice অর্থ বাচ্য , ক্রিয়া প্রকাশের ভঙ্গিমাকেই Voice বা বাচ্য বলে।


Voice কত প্রকার ও কি কি?

Voice এর প্রকারভেদ: Voice দুই প্রকার। 


1. Active Voice (কর্তৃবাচ্য),

2. Passive Voice (কর্মবাচ্য)।


1. Active Voice (কর্তৃবাচ্য): কোন Sentence এ যদি Subject সক্রিয় হয়ে কোন কাজ সম্পাদন করে তখন তাকে Active Voice বলে।

যেমন :

I eat rice.

He writes a letter.

Rahi reads a book.

We are playing football.


2. Passive Voice (কর্মবাচ্য): কোন Sentence এ যদি Subject কে দিয়ে কোন কাজ করানো হয় বুঝায় তখন তাকে Passive Voice বলে।

যেমন :

Rice Is eaten by me.

A letter is written by him.

A book is read by Rahi.

Football is being played by us.

Active Voice কে Passive Voice এ পরিবর্তন করার General Rule :


Active Voice কে Passive Voice এ পরিবর্তন  করতে হলে Active Voice এর Object Passive Voice এ Subject হয়ে বসে এবং Active Voice এর Subject টি Passive Voice এ Object হয়ে বসে এবং তার পূর্বে by বসে । Active Voice এর মূল Verb এর Passive Voice এ Past Participle রূপ হয় এবং Tense ও Passive Voice এর Subject অনুযায়ী Be Verb বসে ।

Tense অনুযায়ী Active Voice কে Passive Voice এ পরিবর্তন করার নিয়মাবলী :


Present Indefinite Tense 


 গঠন : Present Indefinite Tense এ Active voice কে Passive Voice এ পরিবর্তন করতে হলে Active Voice এর Object টি Passive Voice এ Subject হয়ে বসবে এবং Active Voice এর Subject টি Passive Voice এ Object হয়ে বসবে এবং তার পূর্বে by বসবে। Passive Voice এর Subject এর Person ও Number অনুযায়ী তার পরে Be Verb,

am / is / are এর যেকোন একটি বসবে। এবং Active Voice এর মূল Verb টি Passive Voice এ Past Participle রূপে বসবে।

গঠন প্রণালী  : Active Voice এর Object + am / is/ are + মূল Verb এর Past Participle রূপ + by + Active Voice এর Subject.

 যেমন :-

Active : I eat rice.

Passive: Rice is eaten by me.

Active: They play football. 

Passive: Football is played by them.

Active: I see the man.

Passive: The man is seen by me.

Active: Mother cooks rice.

Passive: Rice is cooked by the mother.

Active: We eat mango.

Passive: Mango is eaten by us.

Active: She reads Arabic.

Passive: Arabic is read by her.

Active: Mr Khan teaches English.

Passive: English is taught by Mr Khan.

Active: Lima makes tea.

Passive: Tea is made by Lima.

Active: Rony Reads a book.

Passive: A book is read by Rony.

Active: Rina makes a basket.

Passive: The basket is made by Rina.

Past Indefinite Tense 


 গঠন : Past Indefinite Tense এ Active voice কে Passive Voice এ পরিবর্তন করতে হলে Active Voice এর Object টি Passive Voice এ Subject হয়ে বসবে এবং Active Voice এর Subject টি Passive Voice এ Object হয়ে বসবে এবং তার পূর্বে by বসবে। Passive Voice এর Subject এর Person ও Number অনুযায়ী তার পরে Be Verb, was / were এর যেকোন একটি বসবে। এবং Active Voice এর মূল Verb টি Passive Voice এ Past Participle রূপে বসবে।

 গঠন প্রণালী  : Active Voice এর Object + was / were + মূল Verb এর Past Participle রূপ + by + Active Voice এর Subject.

 যেমন :-

Active: I ate rice.

Passive: Rice was eaten by me.

Active: Rina wrote a letter.

Passive: A letter was written by Rina.

Active: She sang a song.

Passive: A song was sung by her.

Active: We did the work.

Passive: The work was done by us.

Active: Mother cooked food.

Passive: Food was cooked by mother.

Active: They played Cricket.

Passive: Cricket was played by them.

Active: The man sold the land.

Passive: The land was sold by the man.

Active: I knew them.

Passive: They were known by me.

Active: Police arrested the Criminals.

Passive: The Criminals were arrested by the Police.

Active: Mr Khan taught the students.

Passive: The Students were taught by Mr Khan.

Future Indefinite Tense 


 গঠন : Future Indefinite Tense এ Active voice কে Passive Voice এ পরিবর্তন করতে হলে Active Voice এর Object টি Passive Voice এ Subject হয়ে বসবে এবং Active Voice এর Subject টি Passive Voice এ Object হয়ে বসবে এবং তার পূর্বে by বসবে। Passive Voice এর Subject এর Person ও Number অনুযায়ী তার পরে Be Verb, shall be / will be এর যেকোন একটি বসবে। এবং Active Voice এর মূল Verb টি Passive Voice এ Past Participle রূপে বসবে।

 গঠন প্রণালী  : Active Voice এর Object + shall be / will be + মূল Verb এর Past Participle রূপ + by + Active Voice এর Subject.

 যেমন :-

Active : I shall write a letter.

Passive: A letter will be written by me.

Active: Swapan will support me.

Passive: I shall be supported by Swapan.

Active: Tania will make tea.

Passive: Tea will be made by Tania.

Active: Rana will write a story.

Passive: A story will be written by Rana.

Active: Father will buy a cow.

Passive: A cow will be bought by the father.

Active: She will learn the lesson.

Passive: The lesson will be learnt by her.

Active: Ema will sing a song.

Passive: A song will be sung by Ema.

Active: we shall play football.

Passive: Football will be played by us.

Active: mother will cook rice.

Passive: Rice will be cooked by Mother.

Active: Ali will catch fish.

Passive: Fish will be caught by Ali.

 Present Continuous Tense 


 গঠন : Present Continuous Tense এ Active voice কে Passive Voice এ পরিবর্তন করতে হলে Active Voice এর Object টি Passive Voice এ Subject হয়ে বসবে এবং Active Voice এর Subject টি Passive Voice এ Object হয়ে বসবে এবং তার পূর্বে by বসবে। Passive Voice এর Subject এর Person ও Number অনুযায়ী তার পরে Be Verb, am being / is being / are being এর যেকোন একটি বসবে। এবং Active Voice এর মূল Verb টি Passive Voice এ Past Participle রূপে বসবে।

গঠন প্রণালী  : Active Voice এর Object + am being / is being / are being + মূল Verb এর Past Participle রূপ + by + Active Voice এর Subject.

 যেমন :-

Active: We are eating mango.

Passive: Mango is being eaten by us.

Active: Mother is cooking rice.

Passive: Rice is being cooked by Mother.

Active: Ali is catching fish.

Passive: Fish is being caught by Ali.

Active: He is reading a book.

Passive: A book is being read by him.

Active: The teacher is teaching the Students.

Passive: The Students are being taught by the teacher.

Active: She is writing a letter.

Passive: A letter is being written by her.

Active:  They are playing Cricket.

Passive: Cricket is being played by them.

Active: I am eating rice.

Passive: Rice is being eaten by me.

Active: They are reading English.

Passive: English is being read by them.

Active: They are doing the work.

Passive: The work is being done by them.

 Past Continuous Tense 


 গঠন : Past Continuous Tense এ Active voice কে Passive Voice এ পরিবর্তন করতে হলে Active Voice এর Object টি Passive Voice এ Subject হয়ে বসবে এবং Active Voice এর Subject টি Passive Voice এ Object হয়ে বসবে এবং তার পূর্বে by বসবে। Passive Voice এর Subject এর Person ও Number অনুযায়ী তার পরে Be Verb, was being / were being  এর যেকোন একটি বসবে। এবং Active Voice এর মূল Verb টি Passive Voice এ Past Participle রূপে বসবে।

গঠন প্রণালী  : Active Voice এর Object + was being / were being + মূল Verb এর Past Participle রূপ + by + Active Voice এর Subject.

 যেমন :-

Active: We were eating mango.

Passive: Mango was being eaten by us.

Active: Mother was cooking rice.

Passive: Rice was being cooked by Mother.

Active: Ali was catching fish.

Passive: The fish was being caught by Ali.

Active: He was reading a book.

Passive: A book was being read by him.

Active: The teacher was teaching the Students.

Passive: The Students were being taught by the teacher.

Active: She was writing a letter.

Passive: A letter was being written by her.

Active:  They were playing Cricket.

Passive: Cricket was being played by them.

Active: I was eating rice.

Passive: Rice was being eaten by me.

Active: They were reading English.

Passive: English was being read by them.

Active: They were doing the work.

Passive: The work was being done by them. 

Future Continuous Tense 


গঠন : Future Continuous Tense এ Active voice কে Passive Voice এ পরিবর্তন করতে হলে Active Voice এর Object টি Passive Voice এ Subject হয়ে বসবে এবং Active Voice এর Subject টি Passive Voice এ Object হয়ে বসবে এবং তার পূর্বে by বসবে। Passive Voice এর Subject এর Person ও Number অনুযায়ী তার পরে Be Verb, shall be being / will be being  এর যেকোন একটি বসবে। এবং Active Voice এর মূল Verb টি Passive Voice এ Past Participle রূপে বসবে।

গঠন প্রণালী  : Active Voice এর Object + shall be being / will be being + মূল Verb এর Past Participle রূপ + by + Active Voice এর Subject.

যেমন :-

Active : We shall be eating mango.

Passive: Mango will be being eaten by us.

Active: Mother will be cooking rice.

Passive: Rice will be being cooked by Mother.

Active: Ali will be catching fish.

Passive: Fish will be being caught by Ali.

Active: He will be reading a book.

Passive: A book will be being read by him.

Active: The teacher will be teaching the Students.

Passive: The Students will be being taught by the teacher.

Active: She will be writing a letter.

Passive: A letter will be being written by her.

Active:  They will be playing Cricket.

Passive: Cricket will be being played by them.

Active: I shall be eating rice.

Passive: Rice will be being eaten by me.

Active: They will be reading English.

Passive: English will be being read by them.

Active: They will be doing the work.

Passive: The work will be being done by them.

Present Perfect Tense 


 গঠন : Present Perfect Tense এ Active voice কে Passive Voice এ পরিবর্তন করতে হলে Active Voice এর Object টি Passive Voice এ Subject হয়ে বসবে এবং Active Voice এর Subject টি Passive Voice এ Object হয়ে বসবে এবং তার পূর্বে by বসবে। Passive Voice এর Subject এর Person ও Number অনুযায়ী তার পরে Be Verb, have been / has been  এর যেকোন একটি বসবে। এবং Active Voice এর মূল Verb টি Passive Voice এ Past Participle রূপে বসবে।

 গঠন প্রণালী  : Active Voice এর Object + have been / has been + মূল Verb এর Past Participle রূপ + by + Active Voice এর Subject.

 যেমন :-

Active: We have eaten mango.

Passive: Mango has been eaten by us.

Active: Mother has cooked rice.

Passive: Rice has been cooked by Mother.

Active: Ali has caught fish.

Passive: Fish has been caught by Ali.

Active: He has read a book.

Passive: A book has been read by him.

Active: The teacher has taught the Students.

Passive: The Students have been taught by the teacher.

Active: She has written a letter.

Passive: A letter has been written by her.

Active:  They have played Cricket.

Passive: Cricket has been played by them.

Active: I have eaten rice.

Passive: Rice has been eaten by me.

Active: They have read English.

Passive: English has been read by them.

Active: They have done the work.

Passive: The work has been done by them.

Past Perfect Tense 


 গঠন : Past Perfect Tense এ Active voice কে Passive Voice এ পরিবর্তন করতে হলে Active Voice এর Object টি Passive Voice এ Subject হয়ে বসবে এবং Active Voice এর Subject টি Passive Voice এ Object হয়ে বসবে এবং তার পূর্বে by বসবে। Passive Voice এর Subject এর  পরে Be Verb, had been বসবে। এবং Active Voice এর মূল Verb টি Passive Voice এ Past Participle রূপে বসবে।

 গঠন প্রণালী  : Active Voice এর Object + had been + মূল Verb এর Past Participle রূপ + by + Active Voice এর Subject.

 যেমন :-

Active: We had eaten mango.

Passive: Mango had been eaten by us.

Active: Mother had cooked rice.

Passive: Rice had been cooked by Mother.

Active: Ali had caught fish.

Passive: The fish had been caught by Ali.

Active: He had read a book.

Passive : A book had been read by him.

Active: The teacher had taught the Students.

Passive: The Students had been taught by the teacher.

Active: She had written a letter.

Passive: A letter had been written by her.

Active:  They had played Cricket.

Passive: Cricket had been played by them.

Active: I had eaten rice.

Passive: Rice had been eaten by me.

Active: They had read English.

Passive : English had been read by them.

Active: They had done the work.

Passive: The work had been done by them.

Future Perfect Tense 


গঠন : Future Perfect Tense এ Active voice কে Passive Voice এ পরিবর্তন করতে হলে Active Voice এর Object টি Passive Voice এ Subject হয়ে বসবে এবং Active Voice এর Subject টি Passive Voice এ Object হয়ে বসবে এবং তার পূর্বে by বসবে। Passive Voice এর Subject এর Person ও Number অনুযায়ী তার পরে Be Verb,shall have been /will have been  এর যেকোন একটি বসবে। এবং Active Voice এর মূল Verb টি Passive Voice এ Past Participle রূপে বসবে।

 গঠন প্রণালী  : Active Voice এর Object +shall have been / will have been+ মূল Verb এর Past Participle রূপ + by + Active Voice এর Subject.

 যেমন :-

Active: We shall have eaten mango.

Passive: Mango will have been eaten by us.

Active: Mother will have cooked rice.

Passive: Rice will have been cooked by Mother.

Active: Ali will have caught fish.

Passive: Fish will have been caught by Ali.

Active: He will have read a book.

Passive: A book will have been read by him.

Active: The teacher will have taught the Students.

Passive: The Students will have been taught by the teacher.

Active: She will have written a letter.

Passive: A letter will have been written by her.

Active:  They will have played Cricket.

Passive: Cricket will have been played by them.

Active: I shall have eaten rice.

Passive: Rice will have been eaten by me.

Active: They will have read English.

Passive: English will have been read by them.

Active: They will have done the work.

Passive: The work will have been done by them. 

  • active and passive voice in Bengali
  • passive meaning in Bengali
  • voice change এর নিয়ম pdf
  • ভয়েস চেঞ্জ এর সূত্র
  • ব্যতিক্রমী voice change
  • active voice examples
  • voice change (active to passive)
  • what is an active voice
  • passive voice meaning in Bengali


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Wh Question Rules in Bangla বিস্তারিতভাবে জানুন Wh Question  কি Wh Question কাকে বলে Wh Question  কয়টি ও কি কি Wh Question করার নিয়ম Wh Question করার সহজ উপায় Wh Question Rules and Example in Bangla Wh-Question কাকে বলে? উত্তরঃ ইংরেজী ভাষায় যে Question এর শুরুতে Wh-words (what, who, which, where, when, why, whose, whom, how) থাকে এবং যে Question এর  Answer কখনোই  ‘হ্যাঁ’ অথবা ‘না’  হয় না, তাকে Wh-Question বলে। Examples: 1.   What is your name? 2.   How are you? ইত্যাদি।  লক্ষ্য করুন: Wh- Questions তৈরি করার সময় Auxiliary Verbs: am, is, are, was, were, have, has, had, will, would, can, could, shall, should, may, might ইত্যাদি লাগবে। আর Auxiliary Verbs না থাকলে প্রদত্ত Statement/ Affirmative Sentence এর Tense ও Subject এর Number এবং Person অনুযায়ী do, did, does লাগে।   Tense না জানলে  তোমার দ্বারা ইংরেজীতে কোনো কিছু শুদ্ধভাবে পড়া / বলা / লিখা কখনোই সম্ভব নয়। লক্ষ্য করোঃ সব ক্ষেত্রে নিচে দাগ দেওয়া (Underlined) শব্দটি ...

Furnitures And Houses Meaning in English And Bangla | আসবাবপত্রের তালিকা এবং বাসগৃহের তালিকা ইংরেজি ও বাংলা

বাসগৃহ ইংরেজি ও বাংলা এবং আসবাবপত্রের ইংরেজি ও বাংলা নামের তালিকা বাসগৃহ এবং আসবাবপত্রের নামের তালিকা সম্পূর্ণভাবে বাংলাতে ও ইংরেজিতে দেওয়া হয়েছে The list of names of houses and furniture is given entirely in Bengali and English ইংরেজি শেখার সহজ উপায় এই সাইট থেকে আপনারা সব ধরনের নাম সমূহ ইংরেজিতে ও বাংলাতে শিখতে পারবেন খুব সহজে এবং আপনি চাইলে সম্পূর্ণ ইংলিশ এ সাইট থেকে শিখতে পারবেন সে ব্যবস্থা করা হয়েছে। Easy way to learn English from this site you can learn all kinds of names in English and Bengali very easily and you can learn from the site in full English if you want.   Part1    Part2    Part3    Part4    Part5    Part6    Part7 (1)Furniture = আসবাবপত্র (2)House = বাসগৃহ  আসবাবপত্রের তালিকা  বাংলা ও ইংরেজি (1)Furniture = আসবাবপত্র 1.Almirah → (আলমিরা)=আলমারি 2.Article → (অর্টিকেল)=জিনিস 3.Bed → (বেড)=বিছানা 4.Brush → (ব্রাশ)=বুরূশ 5.Basket → (বাস্কেট)=ঝুড়ি 6.Bucket → (বাকেট)=বালতি 7.Candle → (ক্যান্ডল...