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Top Vocabulary With Answers

Vocabulary With Answers

Vocab vocab vocab! This month, I am really going to focus on expanding your vocabulary, and training you to understand and speak like a native!

In particular, I want to talk about 3 key vocabulary groups:

  1. Collocations - these are word combinations that simply sound just right to native speakers.
    They are two or more words that are often found together and sound correct. e.g. budget cut, do homework, break a habit
  2. Idioms - these expressions, words, or phrases that cannot be translated literally into your own language. If you translate them, they will not have the same meaning. e.g. it's raining cats and dogs, it's not my cup of tea
  3. Phrasal Verbs - these are the combination of a basic verb with one or more particles (a preposition and/or an adverb). You can't understand a phrasal verb by looking at the verb alone - you have to look at the phrasal verb as a whole! e.g look up, take off, go out

These 3 vocab groups are hard to learn because there is no magic wand! You just have to learn them! The best way to learn them is to study a little bit every day, and I can help you with that!

Find a pen and paper! It's time to take the first part of this ultimate vocabulary quiz!

The answers are at the bottom of this email!

1. I can’t stop looking at my social media feed. It’s really an addiction! I need to cut down my ___________.

a) phone time

b) screen time

c) social time

2. I’m so hungry. I think I’ll __________ some pasta and pesto. That’s always fast.

a) whip in

b) whip at

c) whip up

3. Whenever I see a smile on my kid's face, it always ______________.

a) ever the moon

b) brightens my day

c) smile like the sun

4. I really want to move to the countryside. I’m tired of being part of the ______________’

a) rat race

b) mouse move

c) hamster wheel

5. Now I’m moving abroad. I need to _______________ a lot of my books - they’re too heavy to take with me.

a) give up

b) give out

c) give away

6. After losing the competition the team was ________________.

a) in low spirits

b) in high spirits

c) in the dumps

Scroll down to reveal the answers!

Keep scrolling! I don't want to ruin it for you!

Ok, here are the answers:

  1. b - collocation - screen time - the time you spend looking at screens e.g. tv, phone, computer
  2. c - phrasal verb - to whip up to cook something quickly with little effort
  3. b - idiom - to brighten one's day to improve someone's day/ make someone happy
  4. a - collocation - rat race - the unpleasant life of people who have jobs that require them to work very hard in order to compete with others for money, power, status, etc.
  5. c - phrasal verb - give away - to donate or to give to people for free
  6. a - idiom - to be in low spirits - to feel sad or dejected

How many did you get?

0-2 - Needs Work

3 - Promising

4 - Great

5 - Excellent


I'll test you on some more tomorrow!

Best wishes,

Sours From English With Lucy


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