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Universities in The USA The Top 5 Universities

 Top 5 Universities in The United States of America (USA)

According to The University Guide, “Two of the top five schools in the U.S. are Temple University and the University of Virginia. Princeton, Arizona State University, and Vanderbilt University complete the top five list.” (Screenshot from Graduation Center of Temple University)

5 Schools in America That Were Exciting When They Started

Students around the world are currently preparing for the big rush of senior year, and in the United States, about 70 percent of students have already settled in for a different college or university. Last November, these prestigious universities were ranked by The University Guide as their top 5 universities in the world for 2017, which all students are celebrating.

However, there are top universities in America that are not in the top 500 of the world. Many students take pride in these top universities, but not everyone has college pre-planned. When students choose a school without a college plan, they can expect to take their first year off, work part-time jobs, or even get scholarships, so they can get into a really good university.

5 Schools in America That Were Exciting When They Started

Regardless of what we choose, we need to know which schools are out there for us. Below, we will mention 5 schools we are looking forward to in the near future.

University of Vermont


The University of Vermont ranks among the top-5 colleges in the United States. They are the first team up with the University of Southern California, Kenan-Flagler University, University of Utah, University of Michigan, and the University of Wisconsin. Not only is Vermont one of the few major universities, but they are in the top 50 of best international universities in the USA. They are also one of the top places to earn a degree in the USA.

University of Toronto


The University of Toronto ranks the 3rd University of North Carolina at Charlotte College of Engineering as their 2nd school in North America. This university in Canada has a great reputation. It is ranked the 2nd best university in Canada according to Maclean’s. “While they might seem abroad, Toronto is just 20 minutes drive from Toronto’s multicultural downtown core. A flurry of bars and culture collide when students in search of new experiences from their hometown walk through the popular Dundonald square or plunge into a waterfront plaza.”

University of California, Berkeley


On the list of the top universities in the world is Berkeley University. This ranks 4th college on the list of Canada. The “Berkeley campus sits on the west rim of the city and across the bay from San Francisco. Large sunny fields slice through the student population, but a college town transformation is underway around campus, from the center-learning CAMPUS where those students learn alongside members of the community to retro buildings that have made the campus an LGBT+ haven.”

University of Chicago


This university ranks number 8 college in the world. This school is very prestigious in Chicago. Located in Chicago, this city is filled with diversity. The city has the largest number of diverse ethnic communities in the USA. “Students will find plenty of resources on campus and enjoy Chicago’s multitude of restaurants and shopping options.”

University of Wisconsin


The Universities Edge Ranking presents the ranking of the best colleges in the world. The University of Wisconsin ranks number 25 school in the world. These types of great schools will have top professors and courses for students. Their professors are very research-focused.

It should be noted, not all schools list as the number one university in the world. There are many other schools with very good services. By knowing which are best-looking and which are most interesting to us, we can help us plan our futures.


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