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10 Funny Ways To Say Good Morning | Good Morning Alternatives

Funny And Cute Ways To Say Good Morning, Funny And Unique Ways To Say Good Morning To a Friend  Family & GF BF

Unique Ways Say Good Morning Your GF BF or family

10 Funny Ways To Say Good Morning Don't Say Good Morning Use This Funny Cute And Unique 10  Good Morning Alternatives 10 Ways To Say Good Morning Better Words For Good Morning Different Ways To Say Good Morning To You're Girlfriend Boyfriend or Friend And Family.

  • 10 Good Morning Alternatives

1. Good morning sleeping beauty

2. Hey sunshine it's morning time let's make this day awesome

3. Wakey Wakey Eggs And Bakey

4. Hey good morning dewdrops

5. Hey a morning hug coming your way

6. Morning good looking

7. Ola how did you sleep last night?

8. Hey morning it's miracle Monday

9. Hey sweetie have a terrific Tuesday

10. Hey sleepy eyes it's time to rise and shine 

Unique And Funny Ways To Say Good Morning With Examples

Funny And Unique ways say good morning hi everybody welcome  and you are with me in this beautiful morning guys I just woke up a while ago you know with my cup of tea in the morning and had my fruits

so guys the things that make your morning really blissful right and that is how you should start your day fresh wide awake energetic and just happy to be here in the moment in the present 

but guys whenever you get this morning wish from someone maybe your parents maybe your uh you know your spouse or your children or when you wish someone there is something about that wish that just makes your day

right well today I thought since I'm having such a beautiful morning right here why don't I tell you few phrases that you can use to wish someone good morning in different ways to make their day better are you excited about it well I have some interesting phrases for you?

Better Words For Good Morning Cute Ways To Say Good Morning

well let's get started Unique ways to say good morning well guys let me start with this one

1# Good morning sleeping beauty

well of course you text people or you call someone in the morning we all have these habits right we all have someone in our lives that we just open our eyes and want to text good morning to or want to pick up a phone and say good morning to or maybe you have your kids bin the house running around or someone in the house whom you would like to go and wake up in a cute pretty way well-sleeping beauty listening to this term in the morning can just make anyone's day particularly those kids in the house those children in the house who would really feel um you know that you they are your dearest right now

here's another one

2# Hey sunshine it's morning time let's make this day awesome

well now you're adding words like sunshine and awesome and there's so much positivity in just those words isn't it so when you call people sunshine they know that you know they're important or they know that they're pretty beautiful and then you're telling them it's morning time so wake up and let them let's make this day awesome maybe meet for some breakfast or go for some brunch and i'm sure that there will be some energy and some positivity coming out of those people towards your way very soon and you can expect a nice message in return as well 

how about this one

3# Wakey wakey eggs and Bakey

well guys this could be for your partner at home or for anyone when you prepare them a nice morning breakfast in bed and just wake them up to a surprise of breakfast now obviously there are different types of breakfast that we make but usually when you make your partner some with some eggs and with some bread and then you can just surprise them with that tray and just pat them on their forehead and say Wakey Wakey Eggs And Baking and they would wake up to a nice pleasant surprise of a nice breakfast in bed dewdrops you know that make you feel fresh

now I think our wishes also should make someone feel fresh for the morning right  so how about this one

4# hey good morning dewdrops

basically, you're just making them feel that wake up to fresh morning or just there's something so nice and something that is so refreshing to feel or to smell or to be around in the morning dew drops those little drops that are there on the leaves aren't they fresh and don't they feel refreshing guys I think we all have some crazy friends in our lives you know we have some really um energetic people in our lives and we're so close to them that we can make sure that we make their mornings cozy and warm by just giving them a hug now maybe they're not at your place maybe you're not sharing a room or a flat maybe they're a little far away and you just need to send them a text message

so here's one for the same 

5# hey a morning hug coming your way

so you can probably add a lot of a's and y's in the word way just to make it a little crazier and a little more casual and informal 

now this particular one is pretty you know pretty different from the others it goes 

6 # morning good looking 

well you heard me right let me say it again morning good looking good guys you must be wondering where is the g in both of the pronunciations well this one is a little casual and a little too informal where you just have incomplete pronunciations just making it

sound fun well guys I'm sure you must have listened to a lot of my videos where i always talk about using different languages to express something well 

here's the one with just the same ideas

7# ola how did you sleep last night?

well the question is simple right but the ola just is a hello in another language making it sound different right and when you ask someone how did you sleep last night it just makes them feel special right they will share how they slept and maybe that's how they start their day by just sharing their thoughts and who wouldn't like that  

now here's another one

8# hey morning it's miracle Monday

so try to be creative whenever you try to wish someone good morning now you have all the seven days in the week right you can try to put some creative words which rhyme or which you know which make the day sound different just like this one a miracle Monday will make them feel that, okay I will probably not have my Monday blues today well usually people feel a little low that the Sunday has passed by and it's Monday it's time to get starting get working and then here comes a message with it's a miracle Monday 

how about a Tuesday

9# hey sweetie have a terrific Tuesday

now when you're far away from your friends and family and you want to make sure that they're having a great day well you can use this one for a Tuesday just like the way you were a little creative on a Monday

now here's another one 

10# hey sleepy eyes it's time to rise and shine 

I think it's pretty cute to wish your little ones or your loved ones with you know sleepy eyes and particularly when someone just wakes up you know that they're still not awake but when you tell them to rise and shine they might get inspired or motivated or just very happy to wake up instead of staying droopy and just taking a lot of time to wake up they will just get going and start their day with a happy note or on a happy note well then you can just send your message or your good morning with adding something like sending you lots of love right it can just complete the message and make it sound much happier much more positive 

well after listening to so many good morning wishes which one are you going to pick up today or tomorrow whenever let me know in the comments section because I would love to know which one would you like to choose maybe you can get creative and innovative and put down the ones that you think are new for us

all right guys that's all for today I will be get okay guys that's all for the day I will now start my day fresh and happy and positive on such positive notes just make sure you're smiling alright bye


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