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Adjectives Examples | Adjective Definition And Examples

Adjectives Examples Advanced  Adjectives With Examples 25 Positive and 25 Negative Adjectives

Must Important 50 advanced adjectives that you can use to describe personality. These words are more advanced so you can give really accurate descriptions of people.

So I have got 25 positive personality adjectives and 25 negative personality adjectives. Which ones do you think we should start with? I think I'm going to start with positive so we can raise everyone's mood and then bring you back down again. 😄😄😄 Let's get a Start with Number one Adjectives

25 Positive Adjectives Examples

Number 1 is: adaptable, 


If somebody is an adaptable person it means they are someone who is able to change to successfully deal with new situations, especially difficult ones. You could say 

An example

she's a great social worker because she's so adaptable.

(She's such an adaptable person.)

Number 2: affable, 


This could be used to describe somebody who is pleasant, polite, and easy to talk to. It's a very positive word.

He was incredibly affable with me when I forgot my ticket.

Number 3: ambitious, 


This is usually positive, but sometimes depending on the tone, it can be slightly negative as well. It describes somebody who is determined to be rich, powerful, and successful.

An example

He's very ambitious and I think he'll do very well in life.

Number 4: amicable, 


This is a way of saying that somebody is polite and friendly and can manage situations without arguments.

An example

He seemed very amicable on the telephone, so I was shocked at his rude email.

Number 5 is: bright, 


And a lot of learners of English misunderstand this word because it also means shining, you know, a source of light. When we're using it to describe people, it usually means intelligent or clever.

An example

You're a bright girl, I know you'll pass the exam.

(You're an intelligent or clever girl.)

Number 6 is: broad-minded, 


It means that you are willing to understand and listen to other people's opinions even if they're different from your own.

An example

Luckily, our boss is quite broad-minded, so I'm sure he won't mind you wearing that today.

Number 7: conscientious


This can be used to describe people who take care to do things carefully and correctly.

An example

His conscientious manner makes him a fantastic engineer.

Number 8: convivial


This simply means cheerful and friendly.

An example

She was a convivial party host who made everyone feel welcomed.

number 9: courteous, 


This means polite and respectful. If somebody is courteous, they are a respectful and polite person.

An example

I can't believe how courteous the schoolchildren were today.

Number 10 is decisive, 


And like many of these, it does depend on context and tone of voice. This is used to describe somebody who is able to decide quickly and with confidence.

An example

She's quite decisive, so I don't think she'll change her mind.

Number 11 is determined, 


Very similar to ambitious in a way, but in particular, this is used to describe people who are able to continue trying to do something even if it's difficult.

An example

Her determined nature made her the perfect Olympian.

Number 12: diplomatic, 


It means that he's able to deal with people in difficult situations.

An example

My dad's diplomatic nature made him a great boss.

Number 13,  easy-going, 


This is used to describe relaxed and happy people to accept things without worrying or stressing or getting angry.

An example

he's an easy-going guy with a carefree attitude.

Number 14 is exuberant, 


This means full of energy, happiness, and excitement.

An example: 

her exuberant nature exhausted me.

Number 15, frank, 


It's sometimes positive and sometimes negative, it's actually quite neutral. If somebody is frank, it means they are honest and direct, especially in what they say.

An example: 

She's very frank, but she gets results.

Number 16 is gregarious, 


This simply means sociable.

An example

I think you'll get on well as you're both so gregarious.

Number 17: intuitive, 


This means you're able to understand something or someone by using feelings rather than using facts or understanding the facts.

An example

She's a great teacher because she's so intuitive.

Number 18 is inventive, 


This means being imaginative or creative, thinking of new ideas and new ways of doing things.

An example

I'm sure he'll find a use for your broken television. He's incredibly inventive.

Number 19 is modest, 


This is used to describe somebody who doesn't talk about how great they are. They don't boast or talk about their abilities or their possessions. 

If somebody understates something, if somebody says, oh, my English, isn't that good, but their English is very good, you can say, 

An example

I think you're being a bit modest - your English is great!

(We also use it sarcastically. If somebody does show off, we go, oh, modest, you're very modest.)

Number 20 is pioneering, 


This is used to describe early adopters, people who start to do something first, and then others follow.

An example: 

she had an affair with a pioneering cryptocurrency investor.

Number 21 is placid, 


And this is positive leaning towards neutral. It could also be used to describe somebody a bit boring, but it means not easily excited, very calm.

An example

Don't worry about her dog, he's very placid. He won't jump up.

Number 22 is proactive, 


This is used to describe somebody who makes things happen. And They don't wait for things to happen, they make things happen.

An example

She's very proactive when it comes to her work life, but her personal life is very different.

Number 23 is quick-witted, 


And this means very intelligent, very able to think quickly, or very quick to respond with funny or witty comments.

An example

I wouldn't heckle the comedian, he is very quick-witted.

(To heckle is to shout something at a comedian or a performer from the audience, usually in order to get a reaction.)

Number 24 is resourceful, 


If somebody is resourceful, they are good at finding ways of doing things or solving problems.

An example: 

We didn't have much money growing up, but our mother was very resourceful.

And number 25, the last positive adjective is versatile, 


This means being able to do many different things

An example: 

My personal assistant is incredibly versatile.

(She's able to do all sorts of things.)

Ok now  finish here 25  Positive Adjectives and now we've got to talk about 25 Negative Adjectives,

25 Negative Adjectives Examples

Number 1 is aloof, 


It means not being friendly, not being interested in other people.

An example: 

she came to you on her own terms. she was aloof.

(The dog was aloof: she came to you on her own terms.)

Number 2 is belligerent, 


This means unfriendly and aggressive.

An example

His belligerent attitude drove me up the wall.

Number 3 is big-headed, 


This means arrogant, overconfident, you think a lot of yourself.

An example

He's very handsome, but he's also very big-headed, and that puts me off.

Number 4 is callous, 


If you're callous, it means you don't care about other people's feelings, pain, or problems.

An example

The headmaster was incredibly callous and disregarded the feelings of the students.

Number 5, prepare yourself, this is such a fun word, cantankerous, 


It means often angry or often complaining.

An example

I'm so sick of her, she is so cantankerous, she's never pleased.

Number 6 clingy, 


This is used to describe somebody who is needing someone else too much. It could be used to describe a partner, a romantic partner, or a child to their parent.

An example

Stop being so clingy, I need some time alone.

(They don't want to let you go, they're clinging on like a baby monkey.)

Number 7 is cynical, 


This can be used to describe people who are very negative, they don't believe that the good will happen.

An example

Why do you always have to be so cynical? Lighten up a bit.

Number 8 is detached, 


And this describes people who show a lack of feeling. If somebody says detached from reality, it can mean that they're very privileged and they don't understand reality. They don't understand how the majority of people live.

An example

He's very detached, I wonder if something's on his mind.?

Number 9 is dogmatic, 


This is used to describe people who believe that their opinions and their beliefs are the only correct way of thinking.

(They think that everyone else should accept what they think and what they see to be right and they won't accept the opinions and thoughts of others.)

An example

The politician was the most dogmatic person I've ever met.

Number 10: fussy, 


This means hard to please or too concerned about having things exactly as you want them.

(It's often used to describe people who are picky about food. If somebody is a fussy eater, they're a picky eater. They don't like lots of different types of foods.)

An example

My new client is so fussy, I just can't seem to please him.

Number 11 gullible, 


This describes people who are too willing to believe what people tell them, so they're easily tricked.

An example: 

They weren't gullible enough to fall for the prank

Number 12 is impulsive, 


You can use this to describe people who act quickly without thinking things through. They act on impulse.

An example: 

He's too impulsive, he just bought a Lamborghini on finance.

Number 13 is,  indecisive. 


it means not able to make decisions quickly and effectively

An example:

I'm very indecisive when it comes to picking outfits, I can never decide what I want to wear.

Number 14 is materialistic,


This describes people who have possessions and money as their top priority. They care about possessions and material things more than anything else.

An example: 

Barbie is incredibly materialistic, all she cares about is fashion.

(Poor Barbie, there's a lot more to Barbie than that.)

number 15 is narrow-minded, 


It means not willing to listen to the opinions of others or the ideas or beliefs of others.

An example: 

The misogynist was incredibly narrow-minded.

Number 16 obnoxious, 


This means extremely unpleasant in a way that offends people.

An example: 

He is the most obnoxious person I have ever met in my life.

Number 17 is obstinate, 


This is often used to describe children. It means very stubborn. It means that you refuse to change your behaviour or your opinions.

An example: 

She's very cute, but she's also very obstinate.

Number 18, patronizing


showing that you think you are better or more intelligent than somebody else

An example: 

Stop being so patronizing! I am not a child! 

(If you're patronizing, it means you think you're more intelligent than people and you make them feel that way too. You talk to them as if they're less than you. If somebody treats you as if you're stupid, you can say stop being so patronizing, I'm not a child, or I'm not stupid.)

Number 19 is possessive, 


demanding total attention or love OR not liking to lend things or share things with others

An example: 

She had a hard time breaking up with her possessive boyfriend.

And this actually has two meanings that I'd like to discuss with you. If somebody is possessive about someone, it means they demand all of their attention and love. They don't want to share them with anyone. It's very negative if somebody has a possessive partner. People can also be possessive about things. It can mean that they don't like to lend things or share things. So we could have: 

An example: 

(1)someone demanding all their attention and love

(2)thigs not liking to lend things or share things

(1) she had a hard time breaking up with her possessive boyfriend.

(2) don't expect to be allowed to drive his car, he's incredibly possessive.

Number 20 is resentful, 


This means feeling bitter or angry about something that you think is unfair.

An example:

Her difficult past has made her very resentful.

Number 21 is self-centered, 


This means you put yourself first, you don't think about the needs of others.

An example:

Stop being so self-centered and think about what's right for the children.

Number 22 is stingy, 


being tight with money. not being generous at all when it comes to money

An example:

I hate going out for drinks with her because she's so stingy, I always end up paying.

Number 23 is tactless, 


This means that you're likely to say or do things that will probably annoy or upset other people.

An example:

You were so tactless when you commented on her weight.!

Number 24 is touchy, 


If somebody is touchy, they are easily upset or offended.

An example:

Don't upset her, she's very touchy.

And the last one, number 25 is vain


This means conceited. It means you're obsessed with your appearance or your own achievements or yourself in general.

An example:

You're so vain, you probably think  This class is about you


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